Is your money stuck in the slow lane?
Let’s talk about something that might make you feel a little uncomfortable: Is your money stuck in the slow lane?
Picture this: you’re driving down the highway in your white Honda Accord or maybe your fire-engine-red Ferrari (your choice!).
You notice the lane next to you is moving faster, so what do you do?
Naturally, you switch lanes—because no one likes getting left behind. But then, just as you settle in, the lane you just left starts moving, and suddenly you’re the one stuck again.

Sound familiar? That’s exactly how most people manage their money—constantly jumping between strategies, unsure of where to go next.
But what if I told you there’s a way to always be in the right lane?
You need a strategy that keeps your money working in all four lanes of the financial highway, so you’re covered no matter what.
Lane 1: The Checking/Savings Lane (the slow and steady lane).
This is the lane for your short-term money—the money you need for emergencies, bills, and life’s little surprises. It’s safe here, but don’t expect it to grow much. Think of it like that reliable Honda Accord: not flashy, not fast, but it gets the job done.
Lane 2: The 2-5 Year Lane (the middle lane).
Got a house to save for? A vacation? Maybe you’re working on paying off some debt. This is your lane for mid-term goals—where you can take a bit more risk for a little more reward. But here’s the thing: don’t go crazy. This isn’t the lane for high-risk bets; it’s for high-quality investments with decent returns (think 4-5%). Nobody wants to be the guy stuck behind a semi in a one-lane road because they put all their money on a gamble.
Lane 3: The Retirement Lane (the steady growth lane).
This lane is where the serious money sits—your 401(k), IRAs, and other retirement accounts. It’s the long game. You won’t get there fast, but these are your blue-chip stocks, mutual funds, and ETF’s that’ll help you cross the finish line. It’s like the cruise control of your financial strategy.
Lane 4: The Play Account (the fast lane where the fun happens).
Ready to roll the dice? This is your “play” account, where you take on those riskier investments—think hot stock tips from a coworker or speculative ventures. But remember, you’re only playing with a little of your portfolio.
This is the Ferrari lane, but don’t bet the house on it.
Now, here’s the truth no one tells you about ‘safe’ investments: playing it safe can be just as risky as going full throttle.
If all your money’s in that slow lane, you’re missing out on the chance to grow it. Sure, it feels safe sitting in your savings account or your trusty 401(k), but you could be leaving serious money on the table by not spreading it out and investing strategically across all four lanes.
Let me share a personal tip: when Kara and I were first married, I handled everything money-related. I’m talking about paying the bills, managing savings—the whole shebang.
But guess what?
Things started falling through the cracks (shocking, right?).
I overcomplicated things, and it led to some pretty fun financial disagreements—you know, the kind that makes you want to go on a long drive alone.
Driving in all four lanes lets your money work for you twice: once when you earn it, and again when you invest it wisely.
To your success,
P.S. Who's managing the day-to-day and the long-term investments in your household? Is it the right person? Let me know!